Who we are

Community Development Alliance Scotland is a registered Scottish Charity whose work is overseen by a Management Group and organised by a co-ordinator.  If you are interested in the work of the management group then please contact CDAS for further information.

You can access and read our Constitution by clicking here.

Colette McGarva - Co-ordinator

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Colette McGarva

I am delighted to be co-ordinating CDAS and always look forward to getting to know our members and more about their organisations. I am reminded of the literal definition and core values and principles of an effective “Alliance”. From the French word ally/ allegiance meaning solidarity, coalition, joining of forces, unity and collaboration;  I will endeavour to support you, your organisation, teams and clients in order to strengthen our alliance and support the progression and enhancement of community development policy and practice in Scotland, Europe and beyond.

I believe it is crucial to value our existing membership organisations and to build upon examples of good practice in order to learn, share and become stronger together.


Colette brings a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in community development, regeneration and co-production nationally and Internationally to CDAS and has worked for the past 25 years on community development and regeneration policy and practice in various parts of Scotland as well as Africa and North America. From 2016 to 2021, she was a Board member and Regional Director for Europe for the International Association for Community Development and the Chair of the Membership, Communications and Marketing Committee for IACD. As the chair of the World Community Development Conference Advisory Group 2019, she co-ordinated national partners in preparation for the IACD conference. She is a recipient of IACD Global Ambassador Award 2021.

Jewels Lang - Chairperson

Jewels Lang

Jewels is the current Community Development Manager at the Scottish Refugee Council. The Scottish Refugee Council works with refugees and asylum seekers across Scotland to offer direct advice services to people seeking asylum and refugees as well as conducting detailed policy work, which aims to influence policy makers in both Scotland and the UK and bring the issues that matter to those seeking refuge in Scotland to the fore.

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Chris Woodness

Chris has 30+ Years working in CLD through third sector; Youthwork; Adult learning and a focus of 25 Years of experience in Community Development, Regeneration; engagement; capacity building and neighbourhood renewal. Experience of chairing and representing SCDN, the National Network for CD practitioners. Vice chair to the Registrations committee – CLD Standards Council. Knowledge and understanding or representing CD on a national platform and engaging directly with funding bodies; Scottish Government Policy teams; The focus on the future for Community Development practice across Scotland and internationally.


Chris also has experience building stronger partnerships in furtherance of CD policy and practice. Development of equalities and empowered communities of practice through Community Development. Inclusion of all partners through CD practice to positively influence the Climate challenge; Anti- poverty and Citizens rights and participation agendas, as they affect our communities. The enhancement of the CDAS workplan; Board and National partner agencies and Education Scotland. National, Regional and Local community-based connections with Community Development organisations and partner agencies partnerships. Develop pathways into learning for Community Development practitioners and CD Communities.

Derek Rankine

Derek Rankine

Derek is Head of Policy and Strategy at Built Environment Forum Scotland. He is motivated by evolving relationships between community and place, and the scope for making positive, practical changes in Scotland’s urban and rural communities. He has over 20 years of experience in community empowerment, place-based regeneration, stakeholder engagement, policy development and charitable governance.


Tracey Groom

Tracey Groom

Tracey joins us as the representative from Chest, Health & Stroke Scotland.

With 15 years experience of community led health, she is passionate about embedding community development approaches in national policy. She has been with Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland for 4 years.  Her role within CHSS supports the development of Community Hubs to broaden the reach of CHSS services. She currently manages 5 hubs as Community Hub Engagement Coordinator for CHSS.


The CHSS Community Hub function of CHSS has been a hugely successful example of cross departmental working through the establishment of a Steering group. We are in the process of implementing our local Community Hub Operational Teams, to allow the steering group to be directly influenced by the CHSS Hub communities.

She has addressed, both the UK Charity Retailers Association Conference & the UK Hospice Conference, to share successes & challenges and supported both national charities & hospices from across the UK by sharing good practice.

Dr Andie Reynolds

Dr Andie Reynolds

Andie Reynolds is the Programme Director for the MSc in Social Justice and Community Action, and a Teaching Fellow in Learning in Communities at the University of Edinburgh. Andie obtained her PhD in Community Development Policy in 2018; has eleven years of experience of undertaking teaching and research in HE across the UK, and over nine years of practitioner experience in youth work, community development and adult education and in the voluntary / civil society sector across seven different countries (UK, USA, Australia, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Ethiopia).


Andie has been involved in a total of fifteen research and evaluation projects across the fields of refugee education, widening participation in Higher Education, young people and mental health, community development and organising, youth work and volunteering. Andie is also a board member for Survivors of Human Trafficking in Scotland.

Vikki Carpenter

Vikki Carpenter

Vikki has joined the board of CDAS representing the CLD Standards Council, where she has the position of Development Officer for Policy. Vikki has a passion for all things CLD, and has worked and volunteered within the CLD sector for over 20 years through her roles with Aberdeenshire Council, SACHD (Scottish Association for Children with Heart Disorders), Fife College and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.


Vikki is enthusiastic about raising the profile of all things CLD in Scotland through improving policies and practice, as well as growing, developing and supporting all practitioners within CLD.

Nicola Sykes

Nicola Sykes

My current role is Senior Education Officer at Education Scotland with national responsibility for Community Learning and Development, Parental Engagement and Family Learning.  I am also a member of the multi-disciplinary regional improvement team in the South West region. My main responsibilities include leading national responses to support policy implementation at a regional and local level; and collaborating cross-sectors to support improvement. I have also represented Education Scotland at national strategic groups including the Adult Learning Strategic Forum, and the Participatory Budgeting Strategic Group.


Prior, in my role as Education Officer with Education Scotland, I was responsible for CLD policy and professional learning for improvement. My key areas of focus were: CLD regulations; Children and young people’s rights; assessment; and, Learning for Sustainability. 

Gordon Terris

Gordon Terris

Gordon Terris is Vice Chair of SCDN and has worked in CD with the public sector for 30 years. Gordon has been involved in the CDAS conference planning as part of his role on the board.


Margaret Starkie

Margaret Starkie

Partnership & Communications Manager, Volunteer Scotland

Experienced Project Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the non-profit organization management industry. Skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Coaching, Program Evaluation, Event Management, and Volunteer Management. Strong program and project management professional graduated from The University of Stirling..