Community development
CDAS has a key role in bringing its members together to help support and promote community development as an approach in Scotland.
Why Community Development? Our Collective Impact.
We are delighted to present to you this updated version with a continued focus on practical information for people on how community development happens and also a resource for those who are interested in increasing their understanding of why community development has such a transformative impact when done well.
We hope you will find it a useful resource to use with communities, groups, policy makers and students alike. We re have worked with several of our members and listened to them to shape, develop, and produce this new publication.
Download the publication here.
You can view and download the extracted case studies for the organisations featured in the resource here:
Would you like the work of your organisation to feature as a case study on our website? Download our case study template.
Planning on using this resource to support your work with communities? Let us know by getting in touch.
Democracy Matters analysis
The Scottish Government have published an analysis of the Democracy Matters phase 2 responses, detailing how individuals and organisations such as CDAS have responded.
Overall, the key message was that while there is support for greater community decision making in Scotland, participants also highlighted multiple considerations that need to be addressed to ensure a new layer of decision-making in Scotland works effectively.
You can view CDAS’ response to consultation HERE. We were delighted that Chris Robb and Cameron Mellowes joined us at our networking event in December 2024 to discuss Democracy Matters 2. Please see updates HERE.
Other resources
If we consider critical analysis, it is clear that Scotland has frameworks, performance management systems, co-production models, national standards and mechanisms in place to support effective delivery of a broad range of services which influence policy and affect change. Not sure where to look?
View information about the 2023 Democracy Matters consultation HERE
Download the previous version of ‘Why Community Development?’ HERE
Evidencing the Impact of your organisation HERE
What is Community Development? HERE
A Code of Ethics for CLD HERE
National Standards for Community Engagement HERE
CD National Occupational Standards HERE
Principles for Community Empowerment HERE
Strategic Guidance for Community Planning: CLD HERE
Effective Models of Co-Production HERE
Effective Performance Management Frameworks HERE
Evaluation support HERE
Citizens' Assembly for Scotland HERE
Participatory Budgeting in Scotland HERE
Participation Request Resource pack HERE
The Place Standard HERE
Participation Framework HERE
Community Wealth Building resource from Scottish Government HERE
Competent Practitioner Framework HERE
Values of CLD HERE