Who we are
A unique Scottish charity with a strong coalition of member supporting community development across Scotland.
What we do
We bring people, communities and organisations together to promote and implement community development policy and practice.
Led by our members
We’re a coalition of 140 organisations and networks who share good practice and influence decision making.
New Board Development Day - January 2025
We are thrilled to have our new board in place following our AGM. We recently held a Board Development Day for our new board and are thrilled to have representation on our board from SURF, DTAS, Scottish Refugee Council, Scottish Community Development Network, CLDMS, Education Scotland, CLD Standards Council, Volunteer Scotland and Universities Scotland.
You can view our board member HERE.
Democracy Matters 2 consultation response
We were delighted that Chris Robb and Cameron Mellowes joined us at our networking event in December 2024 to discuss Democracy Matters 2. Please see updates HERE.
We have now published our response to the Democracy Matters 2 consultation, where we outline our views around what the future of local governance and participation could look like in Scotland.
Updated Development Plan & End of Year report
Our newly-refreshed, member-led CDAS development sets out a series of overarching priorities for 2022-25. Our 2023/24 End Of Year Report includes details of all activity and progress made towards achieving the CDAS Development Plan.
Publication: Why Community Development? Our Collective Impact.
A Resource to support anyone working with and for communities
We are delighted to present to you this updated version with a continued focus on practical information for people on how community development happens and also a resource for those who are interested in increasing their understanding of why community development has such a transformative impact when done well.
We hope you will find it a useful resource to use with communities, groups, policy makers and students alike. We re have worked with several of our members and listened to them to shape, develop, and produce this new publication.
Download the publication here.
CDAS Annual National Conference 2024

Thank you to everyone who participated in our conference including keynote speakers,workshop facilitators and reverse panel members
Our speakers, workshops and panelists
Keynote Speaker: Mr Ivan McKee, Minister of Public Finance, Scottish Government.
Keynote Speaker: Mr Neil McInroy, The Democracy Collaborative, Global Lead for Community Wealth Building
Keynote speaker: Mr Jim McCormick, CEO, The Robertson Trust
Panel Discussions: Attendees met in groups to explore current issues and identify key challenges and opportunities. Panel discussions included the following topics:
Community Development: Impact on Wealth and Economic Regeneration
Community Development: Impact on Health Improvement
Community Development: Democracy Matters
Community Development: Impact on Poverty and Cost of Living
Community Development: Impact on Learning and Education
CDAS Bulletin
Every month we bring together to latest resources, news and activity from Scotland and beyond for the CDAS Bulletin. It’s free, informative and everything you need to stay on top of the latest around community development.
Sharing learning, Impact and Influencing decision making
CDAS and its members come together to capture learning and impact from community development practice across Scotland.
We work with representatives from the Scottish Government to raise awareness of the great work of our membership organisations.
Take a look at what the Minister for Public Finance, Planning, and Community Wealth, Tom Arthur, said at our 2021 conference.
Become a member
CDAS members are partners in a national network of practitioners, lead officers and decision makers seeking to promote community development and influence policy.
Membership is open to national organisations, or networks of regional organisations, whose aims include the promotion of community development and who are willing to endorse the principles of community development practice.
Follow us
One way of staying up to date with Scottish, UK and International community development news and all the current policies - and don’t forget to sign up to our bulletin.
Get in touch
Whether you want to become a CDAS member or have a general enquiry, you contact us to discuss all aspects of community development policy and practice in Scotland.